


adicione por um ano GRÁTIS DE BORLA SEM PAGAR SEM CUSTOS com todos os novos registos de domínios...


Email personalizado

Registe o seu domínio e usufrua grátis por um ano, de uma conta de e-mail personalizada com protecção contra vírus e spam. Ajudamos a iniciar o seu projeto.

Gestão de DNS

Faça facilmente a gestão da relação dos seus nomes de domínio com os IPs para onde eles apontam, através de nosso painel de controle.

Alojamento para Website

Registe o seu domínio e active grátis um serviço de alojamento web básico, para que possa iniciar o seu Website.

Anuidade sem custos!

Utilizar o WEB DOMAIN BASIC é completamente gratuito no primeiro ano. Nas renovações de serviço seguintes, o valor será de apenas 1,55 /mês !

Website incluído

Utilizando o nosso construtor de websites WEBPME, pode criar o seu website de forma rápida, simples e sem necessidade de programação!

Gestão de Apontamentos

Redireccione o seu website e faça a gestão dos DNS's de forma gratuita, através de um painel de controlo e de forma simples.

Successful domain registration requires:

  • two or more nameservers
  • All (!) used handles must have the following details filled in:
    • The state / province in the address details must be filled in.
    • For private individual (company field is NOT filled in)
      • Passport number or individual ID
    • For companies (company field is filled in)
      • Company registration number

Successful domain transfer requires:

  • two or more nameservers
  • All used handles must have the following details filled in:
    • The state / province in the address details must be filled in.
    • For private individual (company field is NOT filled in)
      • Passport number or individual ID
    • For companies (company field is filled in)
      • Company registration number

Additional notes on a .es transfer

  • Confirmation email sent by the .ES registry to the administrative contact must be confirmed within 10 days, otherwise the request will time-out.
  • This email can not be re-sent, so we advise to check if the mailbox is still in use and accessible, before you request the transfer. Only option to resend the email is to cancel the transfer and start it again.
  • The owner will not change during the transfer.
  • If a transfer is completed after the domain expired at the previous registrar, we will enable auto-renewal for this domain so that it does not expire. You can change this from the domain details.
Authorization code required no
Method of confirmation email
Registration period after transfer unchanged
Average transfer time max 10 days
Registration 12.99
Renewal 13.99
Transfer 0.00
Restoration € 50,00 + (renewal)
dns's Update € 0,00
Quarantine -
Redemption 15 days (implies restoration value)

for more information on prices and discounts, see price list

Technical information
  • Available second level domains:
  • DNSSEC support: no
  • Minimum length: 3 characters for .es, 2 characters for
  • Maximum length: 63 characters
  • Allowed characters: a-z 0-9 -
  • IDN characters: yes
  • Registration period: 1-5 years
  • Soft quarantine period: n/a days
    During this period, following after an expiration, the domain can be restored for free. This period does not apply if the domain is deleted explicitly.
  • Redemption period: 15 days
    During this period, an expired or deleted domain name can be reactivated at an additional fee.
  • Local presence required? no
  • Does WEBDOT provide local presence services? no
  • Local activity required? no
  • Correct nameserver configuration required? no
  • Company registration number or personal identification number is required in all handles.

The information indicated above is in English because this prevents the wrong translation and possible failure of information. Due to constant and regular changes in registration and configuration rules, and despite our efforts to keep our database up to date, some information may be out of date or incorrect.
If you encounter any problems or have any questions, please contact us using the option below "Send support request".
No rights can be derived from the information on this page. If there is a discrepancy between the information on this page and the processes/information provided by the support of WEBDOT, the information given by the support of WEBDOT always prevails.