


adicione por um ano GRÁTIS DE BORLA SEM PAGAR SEM CUSTOS com todos os novos registos de domínios...


Email personalizado

Registe o seu domínio e usufrua grátis por um ano, de uma conta de e-mail personalizada com protecção contra vírus e spam. Ajudamos a iniciar o seu projeto.

Gestão de DNS

Faça facilmente a gestão da relação dos seus nomes de domínio com os IPs para onde eles apontam, através de nosso painel de controle.

Alojamento para Website

Registe o seu domínio e active grátis um serviço de alojamento web básico, para que possa iniciar o seu Website.

Anuidade sem custos!

Utilizar o WEB DOMAIN BASIC é completamente gratuito no primeiro ano. Nas renovações de serviço seguintes, o valor será de apenas 1,55 /mês !

Website incluído

Utilizando o nosso construtor de websites WEBPME, pode criar o seu website de forma rápida, simples e sem necessidade de programação!

Gestão de Apontamentos

Redireccione o seu website e faça a gestão dos DNS's de forma gratuita, através de um painel de controlo e de forma simples.

This registration is real time and requires the following information:

  • the domain's contact handles (registrant, admin, etc.)
    • registrant should be located in a EU or EEA country or be a citizen of one of the EU member states.
    • if a private individual registrant does not reside in a EU or EEA country but is a citizen of such country, enter the "country of citizenship" in customer details.
  • two or more nameservers

Note that it is not allowed to mix alphabets: the domain name must be in the same alphabet (script) as the extension. That means that

  • for .eu domains, the domain name itself must be in Latin characters;
  • for .ею domains, the domain name itself must be in Cyrillic characters; and
  • for .ευ domains, the domain name itself must be in Greek characters.

As a part of .eu registration process, the registry collects the  personal information of the registrant in accordance with their Privacy Policy.
The registrant is responsible for following up to this email and this is NOT DONE via Registrar.
Please note that if the registrant did not reply to this email within 14 days, the registry reserves the right to SUSPEND the domain.

Domain names with status "withdrawn" are no longer registered and are currently unavailable for registration pending the outcome of legal activity. For further information please contact [email protected].

Brexit changes
On the 1st of February 2020, the United Kingdom left the European Union. This will cause registrants from the United Kingdom to be no longer eligible for .eu, .ею and .ευ domain names after the transition period. The transition period is scheduled to end on the 31st of December 2020.

The registry has informed all UK and GI registrants by e-mail on the 1st of October and the 21st of December 2020, urging them to update their registration data to an address in the European Union, if possible. Any non-compliant domain name has been suspended on the 1st of January 2021. Until the 30th of June 2021, changes can still be made through the control panel.

On the 1st of July 2021, the domains will be withdrawn and cannot be updated anymore.

UPDATE 2021-06-30: contrary to the registry's original plans, they made it possible to recover a withdrawn domain name (even after the 1st of July) by the last holder in exceptional cases, provided that last holder can present registration data that meet the .eu eligibility criteria.

If the last holder wishes to recover a domain name, they must contact EURid directly and follow the recovery procedure: the domain holder submits a formal request, which includes an eligible address and EURid will evaluate. If granted, EURid will activate the domain name with the provided registration data by moving them to a dedicated EURid Brexit holding account. The status of the domain name will be updated to ‘registered’, and a one-year term will be added to the registration.

The domain name holder will be then invited to log in to their account (using the e-mail address provided in the request) and obtain a transfer authorisation code that can be provided to WEBDOT for a regular transfer.

An activated Brexit domain name that has not been transferred to an accredited registrar by 31 December 2021 will be revoked together with the other Brexit withdrawn domain names, and subsequently made available for general registration starting from 1 January 2022.

The registry regularly updates the Brexit-related information on their website.

This transfer is processed real time and requires the following information:

  • an authorisation code that you need to request at your current provider
    • a valid authorisation code has 4 blocks of 4 characters, for example REGE-1HAZ-W3XP-3EA1
  • the domain's contact handles (owner, administrative, etc.)
    • registrant should be located in a EU or EEA country or be a citizen of one of the EU member states.
  • two or more nameservers

The transfer code is valid for 40 days after creation. The registration period after a successful transfer extends with 1 year.

Additional notes on a .eu transfer

  • A transfer code for a .eu domain is valid for the period of 40 days.
  • If the domain holder changes during the authorisation code validity period of 40 days, the code will be reset. A new cost must be retrieved if you still want to transfer the domain out.
  • If the current registrar is not able to or does not cooperate in providing the authorization code, the registrant can request the authorization code via My .EU.
  • If My .EU is no option, the registry offers an escalation path through the registry. This should be used as a last resort only.
  • Transfer from quarantine is possible, but we still need the authorization code. Be aware that additional costs are involved. Please contact the support department and send the domain name, handles and nameservers along with the authorization code.
  • A bulk transfer is possible: WEBDOT can transfer a complete or partial portfolio with as much as signing a form.
Authorization code requiredyes
Method of confirmationauthcode
Registration period after transferextends
Average transfer timeRealtime
Restauro€ 28,50 + (renovação)
Actualização dns's€ 0,00
Redemption37 dias (implica valor de restauro)
para mais informações sobre preços e descontos, ver tabela de preços
  • Registry: EURid
  • Registry whois:
  • Registry web based whois:
  • Registry zonefile updates: Realtime
Technical information
    • Available second level domains: .ею (.xn--e1a4c), .ευ (.xn--qxa6a)
    • DNSSEC support: yes
    • Minimum length: 3 characters
    • Maximum length: 63 characters
    • Allowed characters: a-z 0-9 -
    • IDN characters: yes
    • Registration period: 1-10 years
    • Soft quarantine period: n/a days During this period, following after an expiration, the domain can be restored for free. This period does not apply if the domain is deleted explicitly. 
    • Quarantine period: 37 days During this period, an expired or deleted domain name can be reactivated at an additional fee.
  • Local presence required? yes
  • Does WEBDOT provide local presence services? yes
  • Local activity required? no
  • Correct nameserver configuration required? no
  • A contact of type registrant should be located in a EU or EEA country or be a citizen of one of the EU member states
  • For .eu domains, the domain name itself must be in Latin characters
  • For .ею domains, the domain name itself must be in Cyrillic characters
  • For .ευ domains, the domain name itself must be in Greek characters
  • Please always indicate real data of registrant. Invalid data may lead to suspension of your domain by the registry until the registry receives real documents proving your ID. Domain owner will receive email notification in a case of invalid data.

As informações acima indicadas, encontram-se em língua inglesa pois desta forma previne-se a errada tradução e possível falha de informação. Devido a mudanças constantes e regulares nas regras de registo e configuração, e apesar dos nossos esforços para manter a nossa base de dados actualizada, algumas informações podem estar desactualizadas ou incorrectas.
Se encontrar algum problema ou existir alguma dúvida, por favor contacte-nos utilizando a opção abaixo "Enviar pedido de suporte".
Nenhum direito pode ser derivado da informação nesta página. Se existir discrepância entre a informação presente nesta página e os processos/informações fornecidos pelo suporte da WEBDOT, prevalecem sempre as informações dadas pelo suporte da WEBDOT.